So I showed another side of me in the guitar photos a few days back, so tonight I am going to show another side to gaming side.
By day I masquerade as an assistant producer at a games studio, Frontier Developments. This evening I switched on the PlayStation 3, and asked the control pad to 'work it'.
Shot 1 - I set the pad up on top of my tripod that was in front of the TV. I switched on the PlayStation and went to the 'theme' settings, where I can change the colour of the XMB. As you can see I set it to red in this shot. Camera - aperture f/2.2, shutter 1/160, and ISO 200. I had my speed lite pointing up, to bounce off the ceiling. Lovely! Post processing - a big crop, I filled in some lighter background that had bled in on the lower right corner, bumped up the contrast and colour.
Shot 2 - As you can see here I set the PlayStation to blue. Camera - f/1.8, shutter 1/40, ISO 400. No flash this time. Post - Crop, had to straighten it up a little, bumped up the contrast and colour again.
(thoughts on sign off tag line.....Google it)
That's more like it right up my street. Do look forward to yr photos very impressive mate.
ReplyDeleteThanks G man! hope all is well - keep following the blog, and tell everyone you know!