Sunday, 5 February 2012

365 Challenge - Day 36

Afternoon everyone!

Those of you in the UK will know all about the snow that hit our little island last night, especially here in the east of England. It was quite something to behold! We were out in Cambridge as it started to fall, and called the night off short due to possibly getting stuck. The journey normally takes around 30-30minutes. TWO hours later....and 3 cars pushed out of the snow (I was the AAA - 'Adams Automotive Association') we made it to my fiancees mums house - not even ours! 

Her Renault Clio made easy work of the snow....unlike the expensive BMW's, Mercedes and Porches that were stuck stranded. 

So today had to be snow pictures, and it is a bumper edition of the 365 challenge!  Enjoy.


 Shot 1 - Had to include this one, as a comparison to the other days shot. Camera - f/6.3, shutter 1/80, and ISO 200. Post processing, tweaked brightness and contrast.

Shot 2 - Littleport, where we live, has connections to Harley Davidson bikes, not sure how, haven't looked into how yet. Anyways, in the park near us they have this metal version of a Harley. Camera - ISO 100, f/1.8, shutter 1/2500. Post processing - little contrast and brightness tweaking, and a vignette.

Shot 3 - This is the lovely Ali, my fiancee, throwing a snowball. I think this one hit me. Camera, ISO 100, f/2, shutter 1/2500. Post processing - turned to black and white, and tweaked the brightness and contrast levels.

 Shot 4  - Ali noticed this brown section of fern (I think) and I liked the way it stands out. Camera - f/2.5, shutter 1/400, ISO 100. Post processing - tweaked the contrast and brightness levels.

Shot 5 - Camera - same as above, except aperture mode chose a slightly slower shutter speed of 1/200. Post processing - same as above with added vignette.

Shot 6 - There is a rusting car in one of the driveways near us, not sure what it is doing, but I took a photo anyway! Camera - aperture f/2, shutter 1/1600, and ISO 100. Post processing, little darkening to the right hand side, and tweaked brightness and contrast.

Shot 7 - I love the contrasting colours here. Camera - ISO 100,  f/5, shutter 1/400. Post porcessing, big jump to the contrast (to bring out the detail) and dropped the brightness to counter the whiteness and a vignette.

Shot 8 - I like the colour of the post box, that's all really. Camera - shutter 1/2500, ISO 100, f/2.2. Post processing - cropped, and tweaked contrast and brightness.

Shot 9 - Took a walk all the way to the river, and found some young swans (notice he still has some brown feathers) Camera - aperture f/5.6, shutter 1/400, ISO 100. Post processing - contrast tweak and colour curve tweak.

Shot 10 - I like the simplicity of this shot. Camera - f/5.6, shutter 1/800, ISO 100. Post processing, tweaked the contrast and brightness.

Shot 11 - Beautiful eyes! Camera - f/2.8, ISO 100, shutter 1/800. Post processing - tweaked the contrast and brightness, darkened the right hand side of the frame.

Shot 12 - Some weird blue stuff in the snow. No yellow snow. Just blue. Strange. Camera - f/5.6, shutter 1/640, ISO 100. Post processing - bumped the contrast, and a crop.

Shot 13 - Just a street lamp. But I like the angle of it. Camera - f/5.6, shutter 1/640, ISO 100. Post processing, tweaked the contrast and brightness.

Hope everyone is safe in the snow!

Much love


  1. Brrrr. I remember almost getting stuck dropping Janet at work when we lived in Dauntsey, Wiltshire due to snow. Enormous drifts would come across the road and literally try and push us into the road side ditch. Anyway, love the action shot of Ali.

    1. On the way home on Saturday night I ended up pushing 3 cars outta the snow!

  2. And yes, she has beautiful eyes...
