Wednesday, 29 February 2012

365 Challenge - Day 60

Evening all!

I will be honest with you - I never realised how important the 'challenge' in '365 challenge' really was. I am struggling! But I am keeping with it, so I need you guys and gals to keep with me! time!

Quick shot of some flowers in our front room, they smell lovely! Camera - Shutter 1/20, ISO 800, aperture f/2. Post processing - Little darkening to the bottom of the frame to balance the top, boost colour!

And so we end another month - February has come and gone, and March....well marches on!

So thank you everyone, once again, for sticking with me. Also, hello to all the new folk that have started to follow this little blog of mine!

Much love!


Tuesday, 28 February 2012

365 Challenge - Day 59

Evening ladies and gentlemen!

I have picked up my guitar after a while of not playing (learning some Rammstein)


Camera - ISO Hi 1 (3200 roughly) wanted to try out a grainy shot again. f/2, and shutter 1/100. Post processing - turned to mono, tweaked colour curves, bump contrast, and added vignette.

Much love!


Monday, 27 February 2012

365 Challenge - Day 58

Evening folks!

Grabbed a quick dinner at Yo Sushi! tonight.


Camera - it was taken with my fiancee's iPhone - shutter 1/40, f/2.4, ISO 80 (all auto settings) Post processing - vignette, contrast and colour tweak. Straightened it up, and cropped.

Much love


Sunday, 26 February 2012

365 Challenge - Day 57


Hope everyone is enjoying the their Sunday afternoon?

I persuaded my fiancee to let me take some photos of her - I wanted to try out a plain wall we have in our dinning room as a background. I think the photos came out well, as I was only using the light on the ceiling, so hopefully I will get even better results when i use the strobe lighting kit.


 Camera - f/2, ISO 800, shutter 1/60. Post processing - a little crop, a slight colour curve tweak, boost contrast, and slight vignette.

Much love!


Saturday, 25 February 2012

365 Challenge - Day 56

Afternoon folks.

Pretty tired today, after last night (an incredible gig though) Had a stroll around my old stomping ground, the oldest recorded town in England - Colchester!


 Shot 1 - A small memorial on the grounds of the old Roman castle. Camera - f/10, shutter 1/200, ISO 200. Post processing - Bump in contrast, straightened up, tweaked the colour curves, little vignette.

Shot 2 - This tree has some interesting bark, almost like army camo! Camera - f/5, shutter 1/250, ISO 200. Post processing - cropped, vignette and contrast bump.

Shot 3 - a very old arch way, again on the grounds of the Roman castle. Camera - f/3.5, shutter 1/2500, ISO 200. Post processing - darkened the skies, turned to mono, increased contrast, tweak colour curves to get a more sepia tone to it.

Much love!


Friday, 24 February 2012

365 Challenge - Day 55

Morning folks!

I am back in my homeland of Essex today, getting ready to go off to a gig (seeing Rammstein) So just a quick shot today, of a tree, from my home village! Lovely.

The thing I really like about this shot is the sky in the background, so that is why I have chosen it. Camera  - aperture f/10, ISO 200, and shutter speed of around 1/200 (I think) Post processing - I had the luck to be able to work on my nephews iMac (thanks Thomas!) and I must just say, they are wonderful machines! Anyway, a little bump in contrast and saturation, straightened it up a little, and cropped.

Much love!


Thursday, 23 February 2012

365 Challenge - Day 54

Hey hey everyone!

If you are in the UK you will know that today has been a glorious hint to what summer *may* have in store for us this year - so much so that I cracked open my flip flops!

A big sign that summer is near,, is when I put on shorts and flip flops.

Summer must be 50% here at least.


So here are my feet clad in flip flop! I love summer. And I love wearing flip flops. Camera - f/4.2, shutter 1/20, ISO 800. Post processing - colour curve tweak (it was very yellow) vignette added, contrast bumped and cropped a little.

Much love!


Wednesday, 22 February 2012

365 Challenge - Day 53

Evening bloggers!

The fiancee gave me an idea for this evenings shot. Lighting matches!


I captured this by accident! I was going for a long exposure, but they were not coming out very well. Then I happened to hit the remote again, and for some reason the camera decided a short exposure was needed (it was on aperture mode) and here we have it! Camera - used the tripod tonight, along with the remote. Shutter of 1/3, ISO 400 and f/11. Post processing, little touch to contrast, and a crop to bring the match head in the center of the frame.

And not one burnt finger.

Much love!


Tuesday, 21 February 2012

365 Challenge - Day 52

Evening all,

Pancake day today! I hope everyone is enjoying some yummy cooked batter tonight, I know I did!


Not overly happy with this one, but I started to get frustrated so I stopped and used the best one I had. Camera - f/32, shutter 1/200, ISO 200. Flash was off camera to the side. Post processing - tweaked colour curves, contrast (and brightness) add slight vignette.

Much love!


Monday, 20 February 2012

365 Challenge - Day 51

Gooooooood evening!

I have ripped off an idea that I saw a little while ago, but I bloody loved it, and wanted to give it a go!


I love Nikon! Camera - f/22, shutter 1/200, and ISO 200. I had the flash gun behind the lens cap (which was sellotaped to the book - lol!) Post processing - Vignette, bump to contrast, and colour curves tweaked!

Much love.


Sunday, 19 February 2012

365 Challenge - Day 50

Good afternoon all,

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend? I was out at a wedding fair today - so took the chance to grab a few shots for today's picture! I cracked open the 18-55mm lens today, to get some more wide angle shots. The 35mm prime is a great lens, but not the best for landscape.


Shot 1 - The West Wing at Ickworth. Lovely building, and massive grounds. Camera - aperture f/10, shutter 1/200 and ISO 200. Post processing - tweaked the contrast and brightness, darkened the sky a touch, adjusted the colour curves.

Shot 2 - Another part of the building. Camera - aperture f/10, shutter 1/400, and ISO 200. Post processing - slight crop, boost contrast, and tweaked the colour curves. Darkened the sky too.

 Shot 3 - Nice view leading up to part of the building. Camera - shutter 1/320, ISO 200 and aperture f/10. Post processing - I had to straighten it out quite a bit, I was in an awkward angle to a nice low shot. Tweaked contrast and brightness, and added a vignette.

 Shot 4 - Just a tree. I have a thing for tree silhouettes against blue skies. Love 'em. Camera - shutter 1/640, ISO 200, aperture f/10. Post processing, bumped the contrast, and tweaked colour curves. Added a vigenette.

Shot 5 - Another tree. Lovely. Camera - same as above except shutter at 1/125. Post processing - contrast, and colour curves tweaked!

Shot 6 - A view through an arch way to the building. Camera - f/10, ISO 200, shutter 1/250. Post processing - jump in contrast and brightness. 

Much love.


Saturday, 18 February 2012

365 Challenge - Day 49


I think this is the earliest I have posted! Anyway, I discovered a water tower today.

Water tower + slightly moody sky =........

Shot 1 - Big silhouette of the tower first of all I think my favorite part of it is the lower part of the stair well, the light coming through the glass, and the sky in that area.. Camera - aperture f/10, ISO 200 and shutter 1/800. Post processing - to really bring out the sky I bumped contrast and lowered brightness. Added a vignette.

 Shot 2 - A power junction box nearby had a pretty clear warning on it. Camera - aperture f/10, ISO 200, shutter 1/125. Post processing - contrast jump and a little darkening to the top of the frame.

Shot 3 - Another silhouette of the tower. Camera - Aperture f/10, ISO 200, shutter 1/800. Post processing, jump in contrast, balanced brightness and added vignette.
Shot 4 - A little abstract view of the underside of the tower. Not really happy looking at it now with the lower darkening to the bottom of the frame that I added, but there you go. Camera - Aperture f/10, ISO 200,  1/125. Post processing - bump in contrast, and that silly vignette to the bottom.

Shot 5 -A close up of the stair well. I like the industrial look of this shot. Camera - Aperture f/10, ISO 200, shutter 1/200. Post processing - bump in contrast, vignette added.

Much love - hop you enjoy you weekend!


Friday, 17 February 2012

365 Challenge - Day 48

Evening blog readers!

Little late at uploading tonight, sorry about that! Bump collection this evening, had some dinner round a friends house, and took full advantage....


Shot 1 - A very grand clock was begging to be photographed! Camera - aperture f/2, ISO 800 and shutter of 1/20. Post processing - little crop, bump in contrast and a vignette.

Shot 2 - Camera - same as above. Post processing - bump in contrast.

Shot 3 - Camera - same as above. Post processing, crop, vignette, bump in contrast, and a tweak in the colour curves.

Shot 4 - Grabbed this shot as I was walking up the stair case. I took a few steps back, sat down low to get a different perspective and clicked away. Camera - same as above. Post processing - turned to black and white, a bump in contrast, and darkened the bottom and top left corners, to balance.

Shot 5 - I looked up and spotted a attic door in the ceiling, which had a set of 3 finger prints. Didn't think much would come of the shot, but tried anyway. When I got home I had a look at it, and by tweaking the contrast and brightness I managed to bring out further details to the door, not just the finger prints. So I quite like the end result! Camera - f/2.2, ISO 1600, shutter 1/20. Post processing - turn to B&W, big jump in contrast, then balanced the brightness. Then finally added a vignette.

Much love!


Thursday, 16 February 2012

365 Challenge - Day 47

Evening chaps, and chapettes!

Driving home this evening, and fancied another go and traffic light streaks.


Parked up in a lay by and took a whole bunch of shots of the cars driving by, while using the steering wheel as a sort of tripod! Camera - shutter 1.3 seconds, aperture f/6.3, ISO 400. Post processing - just a jump in contrast!

Much love!


Wednesday, 15 February 2012

365 Challenge - Day 46

Evening you lovely blog readers!

I am running out of inspiration. It happens during the week, when I have to rush to get it done after work. Ah well. 

Tonight, lights!


Shot 1 - close frame of the light in the bathroom. Camera - shutter 1/2500, ISO Hi - 1 (3200) aperture f/2.8. Post processing, little contrast boost and inverted the colours! I love the blue.

Shot 2 - I laid on the floor for this shot! Camera - ISO 800, shutter 1/60, aperture f/6.3. Post processing - vignette, and contrast.

Much love!


Tuesday, 14 February 2012

365 Challenge - Day 45

Evening all,

It is valentines day today, in case you didn't know. I got engaged recently. I sent my fiancee some roses....


Shot 1 - Camera - aperture f/8, shutter 1/200, ISO 200. Post processing, big jump in contrast and covered up some darker patches on the window sill that the rose was placed on.

Much love!


Monday, 13 February 2012

365 Challenge - Day 44

Evening folks - hope you are all ok!

A little study into texture, and extreme contrast!


Shot 1 - I call this 'Old plant stuff growing on wall'. Snappy, huh? Camera - I am shooting in aperture mode a lot more these days, after spending all my time in manual - aperture f/2.5, ISO 400 and shutter 1/400. Post processing - turned to B&W, bump contrast and added vignette.

Shot 2 - I call this one 'Black stuff on white'. I am just good with titles. Camera - f/2.5, ISO 400 and shutter 1/1600. Post processing - BIG jump in contrast, and that was it.

Much love!


Sunday, 12 February 2012

365 Challenge - Day 43

Happy Sunday evening!

Made our own Pizzas tonight.


Much love!


Saturday, 11 February 2012

365 Challenge - Day 42

Afternoon all, hope you are having a great weekend!

Went out and about today in Cambridge - mixed bag of shots....


 Shot 1 - There was a greta take on busky in town today. A guy had built some kind of DJ decks, that he sat in and controlled the little puppet - making him look like he was mixing the drum and bass that was playing! Camera - f/1.8, ISO 200, shutter 1/1600. Post processing, tweaked contrast, turned to B&W and added vignette.

Shot 2 - Got back to the car park and what do I go and spot?! A Ford Mustang! Beautiful. Camera - f/1.8, ISO 400, shutter 1/10. Post processing - added a vignette to make the red pop out, tweaked contrasted and colour curves.  

Shot 3 - On the drive home the sunset was amazing, so I had to stop off and grab a couple of shots. Camera - f/7.1, shutter 1/500, ISO 400. Post processing - vignette added, contrast bumped up, and a tweak to colour curves.

Shot 4 - This world can be pretty spectacular when it wants to be. Camera - f/7.1, shutter 1/1250, ISO 400. Post processing - boosted contrast, and tweaked colour curves.

Much love.


Friday, 10 February 2012

365 Challenge - Day 41

Happy Friday Folks!

Quick shot tonight, abstract colour.


These are our knives, in the knife block! Camera - aperture f/1.8, shutter 1/30, ISO 200. Post processing, jump in contrast, and a vignette.

Hope all have a great weekend!

See you tomorrow.

Much love.


Thursday, 9 February 2012

365 Challenge - Day 40

And here we 40.

It is snowing outside this evening, once again!

Took a peek outside my front door......


Shot 1 - I love the colours in this photo, and the fact that you can kinda see the snow falling too. Camera - little on board flash (set to rear sync) to make the bush stand out, aperute f/1.8, shutter 1/20, and ISO 1600. Post processing - jump in contrast, and a little vignette, just to the top of the frame.

Shot 2 - Camera - same as above. Post processing - same as above again.

Much love!

Thanks again for following and reading - there is lot's more to come!!


Wednesday, 8 February 2012

365 Challenge - Day 39

Evening folks, 

I own a Darth Duck. A rubber duck for the bath that was inspired by Darth Vader. But it is not just a Darth is a Darth Duck that lights up in water.....oh yes.


Shot 1 - Filled the bathroom sink with water, and mixed in some bubbles. After that I dropped Darth Duck in and snapped away. Camera - f/1.8, ISO 800, and shutter speed of 1/15. Post processing, nothing! except converting RAW to .jpeg. But then I do that every time!

All the follow shots are the same setup, I just waited for the colour to cycle around. Lovely

Much love everyone.


Tuesday, 7 February 2012

365 Challenge - Day 38

Evening ladies and gentlemen!

Took a very short walk outside tonight (damn it is COLD) to have a look at a few trees that have some interesting lighting around them.


Shot 1 - Tree number 1, with a clear light (that also lights up a town sign - see below) below it. Camera - ISO 1600 (hand held, huge ISO!) f/1.8, and a shutter speed of 1/60. Post processing - crop, contrast tweak.

Shot 2 - The Town sign I mentioned above. Camera - ISO 1600, shutter 1/60, aperture f/1.8. Post processing - bump in contrast and saturation, along with a vignette.

Shot 3 - Tree number 2! Street lamp is the source of light here. Camera - aperture f/1.8, shutter 1/30, ISO 1600. Post processing - got rid of a house roof from the bottom left, bump in contrast, and took a little white out of the light.

Much love!