Friday, 9 March 2012

365 Challenge - Day 69

Goooooooooooood evening!

Little experiment tonight.....playing around with some more 'shadows'. The fiancee reckons this could be used as a logo for 'The Little Picture Box'. We shall see.....


So here is a picture of my cameras shadow! I really like it. Camera - setup on the Lord Velbon (my tripod) pointing at the wall. I then used my phone light (the torch app) to cast a shadow of the camera on the wall that it is pointing at. Shutter was open for 8 seconds, aperture f/9, ISO 200. Post processing - little crop to bring the shadow in to the middle. Changed the WB to incandescent so it came out cooler, and blue. Bump contrast a little, and added a vignette to get a glow around the camera shadow.

Much love, and I hope everyone enjoys the weekend. :)



  1. Thats cool.. I continue to be surprised!

    1. Hey Doug - thanks for the comment. I like surprising!
