Saturday, 31 March 2012

365 Challenge - Day 91

Afternoon everyone!

Hope we are all having a great weekend so far.

I went out to Cambridge today.

Result....(I call it 'The Buskers Of Cambs')

 Shot 1 - Cheeky harp player! Saw me, and stuck his tongue out. Camera - shutter 1/1000, ISO 400, f/2.8. Post processing - cropped, bump in contrast, colour curve tweak and vignette.

Shot 2 - Camera - shutter 1/1250, ISO 400, f/3.2. Post processing -  Turn to mono, bump contrast, vignette.

Shot 3 - Camera - shutter 1/3200, ISO 200, f/1.8. Post processing - bump in contrast, and vignette around the guys.

Shot 4 - Camera - shutter 1/2000, f/2, ISO 200. Post processing - turn to mono, contrast bump, and vignette.

Shot 5 - Camera shutter 1/1600, f/2, ISO 200. Post processing - turn to mono, bump in contrast and a vignette.

Shot 6 - Camera - 1/1600, ISO 200, f/2. Post processing - Colour curve tweak, contrast bump, and a vignette.

Shot 7 - Camera - 1/320, ISO 200 f/2. Post processing - Turn to mono, bump in contrast and vignette.

Much love!


Friday, 30 March 2012

365 Challenge - Day 90

Evening folks!

Had a great shoot tonight with a friend who is pregnant and due very soon! So lots of lovely, cute bump photos :)

I am feeling very loving tonight after the shoot and the fact that I got my 100th follower today on Digitrev! So let's spread the love to Nikon....


Camera - shutter 1/200, f/18, and ISO 400. Post processing - bump in contrast, little colour curve tweak!

So go give someone you love a hug, and have a great weekend!

Much Love


Thursday, 29 March 2012

365 Challenge - Day 89

Evening everyone!

Little bit of a 'boring' shot tonight - I have been working late recently, and although it isn't a good excuse, it is my only one!


This is my engagement watch. And it is lovely! The lady gets a ring, so I thought it only right that I get something too! Camera - Shutter 1/100, ISO 400, f/5.6. Post processing - Contrast bump, colour curve tweak and darkened the left and right of the frame to create the 'slash' of light.

Much love!


Wednesday, 28 March 2012

365 Challenge - Day 88

Evening all,

Pretty late one today - extra effort needed in my full time job this evening!

Tried my hand at macro today (it is the theme of this weeks challenge on digitalrev) and a new technique....using a lens the wrong way around! The guy who posts the weekly themes suggested trying the technique out - you take off the lens, spin it around (set the camera to manual) and you get an almost 1:1 shot, just like a macro lens! All out of my 18-55mm kit lens. Lovely.


Not too bad at all, I think! Looks like a massive daisy, but relaly just a normal sized one. The camera tells me that the ISO was set at 800, and shutter was 1/80. Before I took the lens off and turned it around I set aperture to f/5.6 (lens at 55mm) Post processing - contrast and colour curve tweak, and vignette.


Much love!


Tuesday, 27 March 2012

365 Challenge - Day 87


We are experience incredible weather here in the UK at the moment, absolutely lovely! Making going for a walk at lunch a rather enjoyable experience, especially when we have a lovely little lake to have a look around.


Camera - (with circular polarising filter) shutter 1/80, ISO 200, f/10. Post processing - Bump in contrast, darkening to the top of the frame, little play with colour curves.

Much love.


Monday, 26 March 2012

365 Challenge - Day 86

Evening all,

Lovely sunset tonight - kinda missed it as I was driving home, but caught the tail end....


Camera - f/6.3, ISO 800, 1/250. Post processing - tweak to contrast, saturation and colour curves, darkening to the top of the frame.

Much love!


Sunday, 25 March 2012

365 Challenge - Day 85


Another trip to Hengrave Hall today.....


Shot 1 - ISO 400, f/5, shutter 1/400. Post processing - bump in contrast, and colour curve tweaks. A little crop too.

Shot 2 - Camera - shutter 1/30, ISO 400, f/4. Post processing - bump in contrast, colour curve tweak, and a vignette.

Shot 3 - Camera - f/5.6, shutter 1/400, ISO 400. Post processing - Contrast and colour curve tweak. Vignette added too.

Much love!


Saturday, 24 March 2012

365 Challenge - Day 84

Afternoon ladies and you gentlemen!

Day 3 of my little holiday with Pops - one of the places we visited today was Madingley American war cemetery.

Worth pointing out all these shoots were taken with a circular polarising  filter attached.


 Shot 1 - Camera - 1/1250, f/5.6, ISO 400. Post processing - bump in contrast, colour curve tweak, and a crop to bring the wall in line to the corners. Oh a little darkening to the sky.

 Shot 2 - I took these two because they may be related to me (my surname is Woods)

Shot 3 - Camera - shutter 1/60, f/10, ISO 400. Post processing - bump to contrast, and saturation.

Shot 4 - Camera - f/10, ISO 400, shutter 1/500. Post processing - turn to mono, little colour curve tweak, and 2 layers of vignette first to darken the sky as a whole, then another to darken the corners.

Shot 5 - Camera - shutter 1/400, f/4. ISO 400. Post processing - contrast and colour curve tweak, and two layers of vignette like shot 4.

Shot 6 - Camera - shutter 1/250, f/10, ISO 400. Post processing - contrast tweak, and vignette.

Shot 7 - Camera - shutter 1/400,  f/10, ISO 400. Post processing - contrast and colour curve tweak, and vignette to the top  and bottom.

 Shot 8 - Camera - shutter 1/1000, ISO 400, f/10. Post processing - crop, contrast and colour curve tweak, and a little vignette.

Shot 9 - Camera - 1/100, ISO 400, f/10. Post processing - selective colour, and a bump to contrast.

Shot 10 - Camera - shutter 1/160, ISO 400, f/10. Post processing - crop, vignette, and contrast and colour curve tweak.

Much love.


Friday, 23 March 2012

365 Challenge - Day 83

Afternoon all!

Had a great day with Pops (my Dad) We were lucky enough to see some f-15's. Only have an 18-55mm they came out a touch small.....


 Shot 1 - Camera - f/8, shutter 1/2000, ISO 400. Post processing - Contrast bump, colour curve tweak, and vignette.

Shot 2 - Camera - f/7.1, shutter 1/3200, ISO 400. Post processing - bump in contrast, turn to mono, and vignette.

Much love!


Thursday, 22 March 2012

365 Challenge - Day 82

Evening folks!

I have a little 2day holiday this week (today and Friday) and am spending some time with my Dad! Today's trip was down to Felixstowe (a shipping port).


Shot 1 - The rule of thirds, demonstrated by barbed wire! Camera - ISO 100, f/8, shutter 1/400. Post processing - just a crop.

Shot 2 - On the beach! Camera - ISO 100, shutter 1/640, f/5.6. Post processing - colour curve and contrast tweak, and vignette to the corners.

Shot 3 - On the beach again! Camera -  ISO 100, shutter 1/640, f/5.6. Post processing - colour curve tweak, and contrast bump.

Shot 4 - Camera - ISO 100, f/5.6, shutter 1/320. Post processing - straighten, crop, and boost to contrast, and colour curve.

 Shot 5 - Camera - f/20, ISO 100 and shutter 1/80. Post processing - crop, turn to mono, contrast tweak, vignette, and colour curve tweak.

 Shot 6 - The man himself, my Dad. Legend. Camera - f/20, ISO 200, shutter 1/400. Post processing -  contrast tweak, colour curve tweak and vignette.

Shot 7 - Camera - f/5, shutter 1/1250, ISO 100. Post processing - vignette, contrast tweak, colour curve tweak.

Much love


Wednesday, 21 March 2012

365 Challenge - Day 81

Evening folks!

Another product shot today - in my 'white box' setup!


Camera - ISO 100, shutter 1/200, and aperture f/22. Post processing - bump in contrast.

Much love!


Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Latest Portrait Photos!

Hey all

I uploaded some new portrait photos - - check them out!

Makeup on the ladies was done by the brilliant up and coming makeup artist Tracey Patterson ( Big thanks to her.

Much love


365 Challenge - Day 80

Evening all!

Another car light shoot tonight - with a little camera wobble. Yeah that is the technical term for slowly moving the camera up and down!


 Shot 1 - Camera - ISO 400, f/8, shutter open for 8 seconds. Post processing - bump to contrast, and lowering brightness.

Shot 2 - Camera - ISO 400, shutter 8 seconds and f/9. Post processing - little crop, and bump to contrast.

Much love!


Monday, 19 March 2012

365 Challenge - Day 79

Evening all!

I tried some more product photography out tonight - with a new 'white box' setup to see the results!


Camera - f/10, ISO 200, shutter 1/200. I use the pop up flash on the camera, and my speedlite to the side. Post processing - bump to contrast, and a little tweak to the colour curves.

Much love!


Sunday, 18 March 2012

365 Challenge - Day 77 AND 78!

Evening folks.

Yup I am cheating today (and sorry for not posting yesterday) I have been helping my sister move house all weekend, which involved around 12 hours each day of painting, moving, cleaning, and laying a laminate floor on my own. Couldn't get internet access, so had to wait till I was home tonight!

Photos are shocking, but I am cream crackered!


 Day 77 - Yeah that's right, that is a fish in a pig. That was how we transported the little fella to the new house.

Day 79 - And this is a my cheap shot - I was done at this point, and still had an hour and 15minute drive home! This is the floor I laid on my own. Lovely.

Normal service shall resume tomorrow.

Much love


Friday, 16 March 2012

365 Challenge - Day 76

Evening folks!

So it is the weekend.....lets all have a little relaxing drink!


Camera - f/2.8, shutter 1/20, ISO 400. Post processing - Contrast bump, and vignette.

Much love!


Thursday, 15 March 2012

365 Challenge - Day 75

Evening folks!

Another attempt at my weekly challenge from - I got it a bit wrong last night. Really 'low angle' means you have the camera lower then the main subject, with it pointing up towards it, to and enlarge the subject.


I used my phone flashlight app to light her from below, to give a feeling of up lighting that most large statues have. Camera - shutter was open 4seconds, f/18, and ISO 200. Post processing - bump to contrast and saturation a little.

Much love!


Wednesday, 14 March 2012

365 Challenge - Day 74

Evening guys and gals!

A shot today for the weekly challenge that I am involved in over at

Low angle.


Bit odd - but kinda like it. Camera - f/2.8, shutter 0.6, ISO 200. Post processing - Colour curve, and contrast tweak, little vignette!

Much love.


Tuesday, 13 March 2012

365 Challenge - Day 73


My place of work sometimes hold life drawing classes during lunch, informal get together for people that want to do some drawing! I snooped about today with my magic picture box.......


 Shot 1 - Camera - aperture f/2.2, ISO 200 and shutter 1/50. Post processing - little bump to the contrast, colour curve tweaked, and darkened the left top corner.

Shot 2 - Same as above. Post processing - Bump to the contrast, and colour curve tweak.

Much love!


Monday, 12 March 2012

365 Challenge - Day 72

Evening chaps and chapettes.

Vase + phone light =........


 Shot 1 -  Camera - shutter was open for 8 seconds, at which point I shone my phone flashlight to cast the shadow and light the vase itself. Aperture f/5.6 and ISO 200. Post processing - big contrast bump and darkening to the top corners.

Shot 2 - A little bonus - the shadow cast by the vase was rather intense and the further I moved the light away the bigger it got (of course) and the more intense the shape was! Camera - Shutter 6 seconds, f/5.6 and ISO 200. Post processing - bumped the contrast.

Much love!


Sunday, 11 March 2012


Well it may not be fantastic, but it is another attempt at HDR!

An old shot from Hengrave Hall (day 15) I took the RAW shot and processed it once for the sky, to bring out the detail, and once for the foreground. I then merged the sky into the foreground shot (via a layer) and hey presto! I think it has worked out better then DAy 70 attempt.

What do you guys think?

Much love!


365 Challenge - Day 71

Afternoon all.

Fantastic day today. Went to visit another possible location for the wedding, had some lunch, and a few drinks with family in the sun. Lovely.


Shot 1 - Another possible wedding venue. The who owns this place is a legend! It was very quirky. Camera - aperture f/9, shutter 1/80, ISO 200. Post processing - straighten up, contrast, and colour tweak.

Shot 2 - Camera - f/5.6, shutter 1/650, ISO 200. Post processing - little vignette, and contrast and colour tweak.

Shot 3 - Camera - f/5.6, shutter 1/160, ISO 200. Post processing - vignette, and colour and contrast tweak.

Much love!
